Vaccum fryer

Date: 2024-04-05 Categories: Fryers Views: 169

Vaccum fryer

The NaturalFruit & Vegetable Crispy Chip (NFVCC) is a sort of nutritional snack foodwhich made from varied fresh fruit and vegetable fried at vacuum and low temperature.The core of the technology is vacuum frying.

For this reason, it retains originalcolor, special flavor and nutrition, no any chemical additives, delicioussavory, crisp taste, suitable for both young and old, good to one's healthy.Therefore all of the consumers like it very much. The food world praised it“Food for the 21 century”.

As a food of new type with highprofit, NFVCC conform to international trend of the food development. So thetechnology of vacuum frying is developed speedily. NFVCC is in fashion inmarket around developed country.

Using this technology can produceseries of products, for example: NFVCC, convenient cooked food, meat, marineproducts, cake, nuts and medicinal herbs. Therefore this technology is named “afrying technology revolution”


•Maintaining the original color,flavor and nutrition of fruits & vegetables;

•Crispness, no grease, is thefavorite food of the young and old;

•High fiber, multifold vitamins,less fat and heat;

•Having a good structure forquick rehydration;

•Free preservatives, artificialcolor and flavour;

•Convenient food, long shelflife (twelve months).


Most of fruit and veg which are veryeasy to be obtained and have attractive color, special flavor, more nutritionand low cost are much preferred to produce the crisp chips. Especially rawmaterials which can't be processed by traditional frying method, as pineapple、strawberry、cucumber etc.Raw materials used in common are as follows:

Fruits: Apple, Pear, Persimmon, Banana, Pineapple, Peach,Strawberry, Mango, Chinese gooseberry, Carambola (star fruit), Muskmelon etc.

Vegetables: Onion, Carrot, Sweetpotato, Potato, Pumpkin, Okra, Balsam pear, Taro, Lotus root, Kidney bean,Mushroom, Cucumber, etc.

Nuts: Peanut, Almond, Horsebean,Pea, Walnut, etc.

Marine products: Fish, Shrimp,Shellfish, etc.

Others: Bean Product, meat, Chineseherbal medicine, etc.



Note: The materials arranged in the table areneeded while the final products are up to one kilogram.

2. Speficication of the fryers


(wet raw material)

30-50 kg/batch100-150 kg/batch200-300 kg/batch400-600 kg/batch
Capacity15-25 kg/batch50-75kg/batch100-200 kg/batch200-400 kg/batch
Frying time30-4040-5040-6040-60
Oil temperature80-110℃80-110℃80-110℃80-110℃
Working vaccum degrees0.92-0.10.092-0.0980.092-0.0980.092-0.098
Vaccum pump5.5kw7.5kw11kw22kw
HeatingElectricity  60kwSteamSteamSteam
Steam consumption----150kg/h250 kg/h400 kg/h
Steam pressure----0.4-0.8Mpa0.4-0.8Mpa0.4-0.8Mpa
Centrifugal de-oiling speed10-15 RPM20-50 RPM100-750 RPM100-750RPM
Air compressor0.5-0.8Mpa0.5-0.8Mpa0.5-0.8Mpa0.5-0.8Mpa
Cooling water20304080

3.Additional materials:

Fryingoil: Palm oil、Refined vegetable oil.

Others:Sugar, Maltose, Salt,Natural flavoring, etc.

Packing materials:

Highdensity, multi-layered metallized plastic bags for food, aluminum foil or iron,aluminum and paper easy-pulling pot.


No harmful things come into being in the process of the Fruit andVegetable Chips production, which could pollute the environment such as wastegases、waste water and wastedregs. Draining smoke of the user's steam boiler must accord with the standardof one’s country. There are no any burning and exploding factors duringproduction, no harmful matter to workers. Noise will be below 80dB in workshopwhen the main equipment is running.